Your introduction to Nike+ Run Club’s World of Running. In the World of Running, we run united because we share this truth: We’re all meant to be runners. (Yep, even you.)
But we didn’t start this way. We started as beginners. We ran through the first runs, the struggle runs, the “this isn’t fun” runs and the “I didn’t know I had it in me” runs. Then we realised being a runner isn’t just about the act of running. Being a runner is something that’s within us all.
The goal of Ready, Set, Go is to help you become a better runner by introducing you to our World of Running.
You do know that you already are a runner, right? There is no questioning it. The only question is whether or not you are running. After this, you will be.
We’ve packaged up everything we feel you need to kick off your running journey. As you work your way through Ready, Set, Go, you’ll learn the basics, gain confidence, receive motivation through 10 fun workouts, and ultimately discover what makes running so special for millions of athletes around the world. After you’ve reached the end of this journey, you’ll be ready to take off on your own running adventure. But don’t worry—you’re never running alone. NRC is here to provide all the support you need to keep going.
It’s not always going to be easy. There will be days when you don’t want to put your shoes on. But there will be other days when you and the run seem to fly. Embrace both of these types of days because both will make you a stronger athlete.
You will be introduced to different ways to run. You will do Recovery Runs, Fartlek runs, intervals and tempos. (You’ll even know what those mean!)
Sounds intense, right? It’s not. It’s just running. And you are meant to run, whether you believe it or not!
So, have fun. And remember, we will be here coaching, guiding and inspiring you every step of the way. We believe in you.
Chris Bennett,
Nike+ Global Head Coach